in Chemical Engineering
up with leading Chemical Engineering trends is the
key to making AIChE viewed as a energetic organization.
Whether we are talking bio-technology, nano-technology,
etc., any partnerships that can be set up with organizations
leading in this area will benefit AIChE long term.”
feel that AIChE has become a little too "introverted"
for its own good. I would like to see more outreach
into education at earlier levels, more awareness
of what it means to be a chemical engineer beyond
calculating equipment rating or higher order mathematics.
There is so much diversity in what Chemical Engineers
do! We need to tap into that and channel it towards
some excitement about how important this field is
in industry and society.”
major issue is the fragmentation of the fields within
chemical engineering, which leads to allegiances
to the sub-fields rather than the discipline as
a whole, and causes the good and innovative work
to be presented at specialized, non-ChE meetings,
with the result that the papers at AIChE meetings,
fragmented across many sub-fields, are often not
much of a draw. One just cannot get as much in one's
specialty from an AIChE meeting as from a specialized
meeting. I think this is a reason for declining
attendance at AIChE meetings and declining membership.”
is critical that the discipline of ChE become more
in touch with the current business drivers and technology
needs of the huge installed base of chemical process
operators. AIChE needs to be a more practical facilitator
of modern ChE practice and strategic planning. The
current society is too focused on its own enterprise
and not enough on the enterprises of its members.
Bio/Nano does not replace the CPI; it supplements
and evolves portions of it.”
needs to seize leadership on two critical issues:
a transition to alternative fuels and dealing with
environmental issues. Our federal government has
shown an unfortunate lack of foresight in dealing
with these issues. The solution to these problems
is critical for the United States and the world
in the 21st century.”
was shocked at the press coverage of Sam Bodman's
nomination for Secretary of Energy. Almost without
exception, the coverage emphasized his lack of background
in energy, and completely overlooked the connection
of Chemical Engineering to energy. I would think
the AIChE could better communicate Chemical Engineering's
central role in energy and environmental issues.
The public seems to be clueless.”
AIChE, in its lobbying and public communications
role, should emphasize how important it is to the
economic future of our nation to remain the magnet
for the world's best engineers and scientists, and
should take a formal position against arbitrarily
restrictive visa policies. The press seems to have
latched on to the importance of immigrants to fill
low wage jobs Americans won't take, but seems to
have largely missed the other end of the spectrum
-- the science and technology professions Americans
don't seem to be interested in.”
are in a crisis with respect to the lack of interest
of students in engineering as a whole. We need to
be focusing our efforts towards K-12 in an effort
to promote engineering amongst America’s youth.
If not we will soon find that all of the talent
is offshore. That’s kind of scary!”
focus on local sections is appropriate and important.
It would be good to highlight local sections in
CEP; perhaps this is already being done. In my mind,
one of the most vibrant local sections is the one
around the phosphate industry in Central Florida.”
local section meetings would be much more interesting
to me if there were more people in more relevant
demographics to network with. Occasionally, the
meeting topic hits a hot button and we get a doubling
of attendance and we get a bunch of go-getters around
that topic. The difference between OK programming
and great programming is the difference between
a so-so meeting and a really stimulating meeting
and networking environment.”
must do a better job of communicating with recent
graduates, particularly those in non-chemical industries.
They need us more than those in academia and in
traditional industries because of their professional
isolation. This is a difficult challenge but should
be one of our highest priorities.”
believe that CEP is an inadequate source of communication
with recent graduates, who join but soon drop their
membership. They look or should look to the AIChE
for more than new processes or techniques of design.
The same applies to programming at local sections.
Perhaps what we need is an e-letter that prompts
and solicits comments on issues of general concern.”
believe AIChE publications should highlight the
contribution that Chemical Engineers are making
beyond their technical careers, such as in business
running organizations, outside of their careers,
etc. Adding another dimension in the communication
of chemicals engineers' careers will help attract
people not only interested in chemical engineering
but also business.”
you are in R&D or process operations the magazines
and publications have little else to offer. I believe
AIChE needs to become more relevant to chemical
engineers who have decided to pursue other interests
such as business careers or other technical fields.”
should recognize that a large fraction of potential
members are associated with small companies that
don't employ many chemical engineers. AIChE needs
to reach these people with appropriate services;
e.g., topical conferences, publications, webcasts,
with Membership
all honesty, I have recently let my membership expire.
Being an engineer who quickly transitioned into
more of a management function early in my career,
I found the benefits I get from AIChE membership
limited. My career has included employment and consulting
at companies such as ExxonMobil, Shell, and Dow.
I never had the sense that these companies value
membership in AIChE very much, nor really reward
employees for their contributions to AIChE. I feel
one element to the successful growth of AIChE is
providing more credibility to the organization through
more visible support from industry leaders.”
AIChE is very out of touch with its membership.
For starters - why do we need an office in Manhattan?
Why are the meetings held in such expensive cities?
The society should take a more regional approach
to meetings like the ISA. The ISA offers low cost
or no-cost continuing education at their regional
the national meeting in easy places to get to like
Chicago or Denver or Atlanta (not Reno or Indianapolis)
and hold it only once per year. Schedule the meeting
at a time that doesn't interfere with teaching classes
such as September rather than in November when everyone
is so busy?”
is extremely important that the Institute make it
one of its goals to find ways to utilize the background
and experience of retired engineers and entrepreneurs.”
the AIChE offices out of NYC to a location with
lower costs. The organization can operate electronically
from anywhere just as effectively as they do from
benefits, and job security are perhaps now the main
issues with members of all ages. We have an opportunity
to make them look to the AIChE for information on
job opportunities whenever they seek re-employment
and benefits such as pensions and medical insurance
that are not subject to sudden termination.”
revitalize AIChE, it needs to strengthen its value
proposition to its members. A typical member pays
over $200 per year for membership. In return they
get an annual subscription to Chemical Engineering
Progress. For most of us in industry, attending
the meetings is not possible: there are competing
demands on our time, the content of the meetings
are more geared towards academia, the cost of travel
and hotel is high, etc. The CEP magazine is good
at providing an overview of what’s happening
in the field but at $200 per year is quite expensive.”
needs more turn-over on its committees. Committee
chairs need to seek new members. As an example,
I have been a member of two national committees
for more than 20 years.”
AIChE Services
life insurance is about the best I’ve ever
seen: plenty of choices, great pricing and good
provider companies. The disability program as currently
structured is dysfunctional as there is about a
60-80% reject rate due to minor health issues. After
being declined over an issue my doctor said was
negligible, I spoke with the insurer and they said
that AIChE does not let them charge enough of a
premium over base rates to take on any significant
risk. Therefore their only option is to turn a lot
of people down. I don’t see how this serves
the need of the members. The medical insurance seems
to be of comprehensive scope but it’s the
most expensive insurance on the market.”
needs to become more relevant to the daily life
of chemical engineers. For example, the introduction
of the group insurance program has been something
that has really kept me interested in remaining.
The insurance is really good value for money. We
need to find more products of interest to chemical
engineers to keep them tuned to AIChE. Unless you
are in R&D or process operations the magazines
and publications have little else to offer. AIChE
also needs to become more relevant to chemical engineers
who have decided to pursue other interests such
as business careers or other technical fields.”